When: Saturday, May 23rd, 2009
With: ChrisGaye + Kate
Goal: Hike!
Chris and Kate just made their way from the East Coast and after many days in a car wanted to stretch their legs. I suggested the slightly rugged (steep, not really hard otherwise) Mount Si as our destination for the day. I warned them that it was a steep hike and they were excited for a challenge. Mount Si is a 4,167ft climb in 4 miles (3,900ft without the haystack).
Chris led a very fast pace the entire first half, and I took over a slightly slower pace for the second half (with a heed that the next section would be steeper and to help keep a constant pace).
Overall our pace led us to pass at least 11 other groups mid-walk (usually 1-3 hikers per group) and countless others who were resting on the sidelines as we passed by. This total did not include people we passed multiple times. There was one guy and his dog (a chocolate lab!) who passed us on the way up but that was it. Anybody else that passed us, we passed again before the summit.
We made it to the top in exactly 2 hours. Well, the top of Mt Si not including its infamous haystack which is a short but steep scramble. We had lunch and enjoyed the view. Chris is my new roommate (also from Vermont!) and the (albeit hazy) view made him confirm that Seattle was a great move—just one full day in.
We could see Rainier and could faintly see the sound but we couldn’t see the Olympics nor could we see the city (Bellevue or Seattle).
After lunch we walked to the far side of the haystack—it being the only accessible side unless you’re planning on rock climbing and placing your own protection.
About halfway up the scramble Chris decided the top view wasn’t worth the potential dangers and went back down. Kate and I continued to the top. This was my third time at Mt Si but only the first time I hit the true summit. All the other times it was covered in snow and since I didn’t know what terrain was under the snow I didn’t want to continue. That and the fact that there were no tracks leading to the top and I was alone; it would have been a dangerous idea to continue.
After some summit photos we climbed down—which proved to be a little harder than the climb up but neither proved too problematic, even with Kate’s Converse sneakers.
The walk down was, as always, a little rough on the knees but passed by quick enough. Before we knew it we were back in the cars and headed back home. Well, Chris who was astounded seeing the Twin Peaks diner requested a stop. Kate ordered the infamous Cherry Pie, I had a Vanilla Shake and Chris went with the safe vegan option of an Italian Soda.
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